Bastille Boutique Flat

Unfortunately, there is no lift during the month of April, due to maintenance.

Upea loma-asunto Pariisin keskustassa!

Paras mahdollinen sijainti keskellä Pariisia vain muutaman korttelin päässä kuuluisalta Bastillen aukiolta ja sen Ooperalta, trendikkäästä Marais'ta ja sen kaikista gallerioista, muotiliikeistä ja kahviloista.

Ihanteellinen kaksio 1-3 hengelle kaikkine mukavuuksineen.

Tämänhetkisen koronavirustilanteen vuoksi sovellamme lievempiä peruutusehtoja, joiden mukaisesti voit peruuttaa varauksesi, mikäli viranomaiset määräisivät uuden karanteenin voimaantulon.

Bastille Boutique Flat

Tyylikäs loma-asunto Pariisin keskustassa.

Pariisin keskustassa sijaitsevassa 56 neliömetrin upeassa loma-asunnossamme voit nauttia kaikista nykyaikaisista mukavuuksista, vaikka asutkin historiallisesti merkittävän Bastillen kaupunginosan keskellä.

  • Nuku hyvin!

    Mikä onkaan ihanampaa, kuin rentoutua ja nostaa jalat ylös asuntosi mukavalla sohvalla käveltyäsi koko päivän pitkin Pariisin katuja tai Louvren käytäviä? Vaikka asutkin aivan kaupungin keskustassa, voit nukkua vaikka ikkunat auki, sillä ne avautuvat rauhalliseen puutarhaan. Makuuhuoneessa on mukava parisänky ja olohuoneen sohvan voi kätevästi avata toiseksi parisängyksi (140 cm leveä).

  • Ole kuin kotonasi!

    Vaikka oletkin matkoilla, meillä voit olla kuin kotonasi, omassa Pariisin loma-asunnossasi. Nauti sen valoisuudesta ja tyylikkäistä sisustusratkaisuista sekä luksus-kylpyhuuoneessa, jossa on suihkun lisäksi täysimittainen kylpyamme. Kaikki on suunniteltu viihtyvyyttäsi ja mukavuuttasi silmällä pitäen.

  • Tee ruokaa, kuin aito ranskalainen kokki!

    Täysinvarustetussa keittiössämme voit tehdä joko kunnon ranskalaisen aterian tai jotain nopeasti lämmitettävää, sekä tietysti aamukahvin ja välipaloja. Siellä on mikroaaltouuni, uuni, keraaminen keittotaso, astianpesukone sekä kaikki muut tarvittavat keitto- ja tarjoiluvälineet.

  • Nauti oleskelustasi!

    Asunnossamme on kaikki nykyaikaiset mukavuudet kuten keskuslämmitys ja lämmin vesi (ei itsestäänselvyyksiä Ranskassa). Meillä on tietysti myös langaton internet-yhteys, televisio, DVD sekä radio. Tilavassa vaatehuoneessa on paljon säilytystilaa vaatteita ja matkalaukkuja varten.

  • Pysy ajan tasalla!

    Tarkista vaikka Louvren museon aukioloajat tai Orsayn museon vaihtuvat näyttelyt tietokoneellasi, tabletillasi tai älypuhelimellasi nopean ja luotettavan internet-WLANin avulla. Soita kotiin ja anna viimeisimmät Pariisin kuulumisesi, sillä puhelut lankapuhelimiin Suomeen ovat meiltä ilmaisia (ei kännykkänumeroihin!).

  • Pidä pää kylmänä!

    Rauhallisessa asunnossamme voit hyvin nukkkua vaikka ikkunat auki. Jos tulet Pariisiin heinä-elokuussa, jolloin saattaa iskeä helleaalto, voit vuokrata ilmastointilaitteen, jonka avulla saat laskettua asunnon lämpötilan miellyttäväksi.

  • Pysäköi autosi turvaan!

    Taloamme autotallista voit vuokrata parkkipaikan ja pitää autosi turvassa Pariisin oleskelusi aikana (lisämaksu:€ 30/viikko).

Ihanteellinen sijainti Pariisin keskustassa

Bastille Boutique Flat-loma-asuntomme sijaitsee ihanteellisella paikalla Pariisin keskustassa. Meiltä pääset helposti jalkaisin lukuisiin nähtävyyksin kuten Notre Damen katedraaliin, Louvre-museoon sekä Marais-kortteliin ja sen Picasso-museoon.

Pariisin metro vie sinut nopeasti ympäri kaupunkia kauempanakin oleviin nähtävyyksiin, joihin pääsee myös kätevästi edestämme kulkevalla 69-bussilla, josta avautuu upeat näköalat pitkin Pariisin katuja. Lähimmät metroasemat ovat vain parin minuutin kävelymatkan päässä.

Bastillen aukiolla, joka aikoinaan oli Ranskan vallankumouksen päänäyttämöitä, on nykyään maailmankuulu Pariisin Ooppera. Lähikaduilta löydät lukemattomia kauppoja, baareja ja ravintoloita.

Vain 5-10 kävelyminuutin päässä on myös kuuluisa Place des Vosges-aukio 1600-luvun alkupuoliskolta ja aivan sen kupeessa, viehättävä Hôtel de Sully. Tästä alkaa eräs Pariisin valloittavimmista kaupunginosista, le Marais, joka on tulvillaan jännittäviä kauppoja, gallerioita ja tietenkin kahviloita terasseineen, ravintoloita ja baareja.

Kaikki ruokatarvikkeet löydät kätevästi melkein taloamme vastapäätä olevasta valintamyymälästä, jossa ei edes tarvitse osata ranskaa, ja ostoksetkin voi maksaa suomalaisella luottokortilla. Älä unohda kahdesti viikossa pidettävää värikästä katutoriamme. Se on hurmaava paikka tuoreimpien herkkujen ja hedelmien ostoksille!

Paris vacation rental Marais


Bastille Boutique Flat
€ 140
Viikko € 910
Pakollinen loppusiivous ja -pesulamaksu: € 80
Minimioleskelu 4 yötä
15. heinäkuuta - 31. elokuuta 2021 € 700/ viikko

Halutessasi käyttää erikoistarjoustamme mainitse se varauksesi kommenteissa.

Hintoihin sisältyy:

  • Asunnon ja sen varusteiden normaali käyttö korkeintaan 4 hengelle
  • Sähkö, keskuslämmitys ja lämmin vesi
  • Langaton internet-laajakaistayhteys
  • Ilmaiset puhelut lankapuhelimiin Ranskaan ja Suomeen ja yli 100 muuhun maahan. (ei kännykkänumeroihin eikä maksullisiin palvelunumeroihin)
  • Taulutelevisio, jossa mm. englanninkielisiä uutiskanavia
  • Vuodevaatteet ja pyyhkeet
  • Omistajan tai hänen englanninkielisen edustajan puhelinpäivystys hätätapauksissa

Hinta ei sisällä:

  • Pariisin turistivero € 2.88/aikuinen/yö

Lisämaksusta: (varattava etukäteen)

  • Ylimääräinen siivouspalvelu: € 50/ 2 tuntia
  • Ilmastointilaite: € 30/viikko
  • Autopaikka autotallissa: € 30/viikko


Tästä löydät kätevät ja ennen kaikkea molemmille osapuolille turvalliset vuokraehdot loma-asuntoosi Pariisista. Voit varata sen meiltä turvallisesti ja helposti jollain seuraavista tavoista:

(1) Suoraan meiltä:
  • Varaa Pariisin vuokra-asuntosi kätevimmin täyttämällä kyseisen asunnon varauslomakkeen.
  • Vahvistamme varauksesi mahdollisimman pian, viimeistään vuorokauden sisällä.
  • Varauksen vahvistamiseksi tarvitsemme kahden yön ennakkomaksun, jota varten saat suomalaisen pankkitilimme numeron. Siihen asti, kunnes sitä ei ole maksettu, varausta ei ole vahvistettu, ja asunto voidaan vuokrata muille.
  • Jos haluat, saat meiltä vahvistuksena vuokrasopimuksen allekirjoitustasi varten.
  • Yli viikon mittaisista varauksista pyydämme toisen vuokraennakon, 50% vuokrasummasta, 1 kk. ennen vuokran alkua.
  • Vuokran loppusumma maksetaan käteisellä asuntoon saavuttaessa, tai yli viikon vuokrauksissa se on myös mahdollista viikkoa ennen vuokran alkua pankkisiirtona.
  • 500 euron vakuusmaksu maksetaan käteispanttina saapuessasi loma-asuntoosi Pariisiin tai etukäteispankkisiirtona. Se palautetaan lähdettyäsi asunnosta ja tarkastettuamme yhdessä, että mitään ei puutu eikä ole vahingoitettu oleskelusi aikana.
  • Vuokramaksut voi maksaa kätevästi ja luotettavasti suomalaiselle pankkitilillemme.
  • Peruutuskuluina perimme jo maksetut vuokraennakot.
(2) Jonkun seuraavista Pariisin loma-asuntoja välittävän firman kautta:

  • jne.
  • Huomaa, että kukin näistä välittäjistä soveltaa omia hintojaan ja ehtojaan, joihin sinun on suostuttava käyttäessäsi heidän palvelujaan.

Miksi vuokrata Pariisin majoitus meiltä?

Kun valitset asuinvaihtoehdoksesi Pariisin loma-asuntomme, asut itse asiassa niiden suomalaisen omistajan kodissa.

Asuntomme ovat siis täysin varustettuja ja sisustettu oman makumme mukaisesti: nykyaikaisia, tyylikkäitä ja ennen kaikkea mukavia.
Loma-asunto antaa sinulle mahdollisuuden tuntea itsesi ei vain turistiksi, vaan lähes pariisilaiseksi käydessäsi ostoksilla lähikaupoissa tai torilla. Kotona voit sitten nauttia, mitä itse haluat aamupalaksesi, tai vaikka ottaa pienen välipalan.
Oman turvallisuutesi ja mukavuutesi takia voit tutustua varausehtoihin kaikessa rauhassa näillä sivustoilla ja maksaa vuokrasi suomalaiselle pankkitilillemme. Luonnollisesti voit tehdä kaikki asuntoihimme liittyvät kysymykset ja varauksesi suomeksi. Jos emme itse ole paikalla ottamassa sinua vastaan saapuessasi, sinusta pitää huolen englantia puhuva henkilö.

  • Varaukset suoraan omistajalta, ilman turhia välikäsiä
  • Turvallinen ja luotettava suomalainen omistaja
  • Yksilöllisiä palveluja ikimuistoisen Pariisin loman takaamiseksi
  • Luotettavat edellisten asukkaiden arvionnit 5 tähden asunnoistamme

Usein kysyttyä Pariisin keskustan loma-asunnoistamme

Tältä sivulta löydät vastauksia asiakkaidemme kaikkein useimmin tekemiin Pariisin asuntoihimme ja varauksiin liittyviin kysymyksiin. Ne on lajiteltu aihepiireittäin. Klikkaamalla niiden otsikoita kysymykset ja vastauksemme tulevat esille.

Pariisin vuokra-asuntojemme varustelu

Meidän on hieman vaikea liikkua ja nousta portaita. Kuinka vaikeaa meidän on päästä perille asuntoon?
Pariisin vuokra-asuntomme sijaitsevat moderneissa kerrostaloissa, jossa on hissi. Katutasolta on vain muutama matala porras, jonka vieressä on ramppi liikuntaesteisille.
Onko Pariisin asunnoissanne autotallia?
Kyllä, kaikkiin Pariisin keskustassa sijaitsiviin vuokra-asuntoihimme kuuluu parkkitila autotallissa, johon pääsee suoraan hissillä. (ennakkovarauksella, lisämaksusta)
Onko Pariisin asunnoissanne hiustenkuivaajaa?
Kylpyhuoneesta löytyy paitsi hiustenkuivaaja, myös meikkauspeili.
Sisältyvätkö vuodevaatteet Pariisin loma-asuntojenne vuokrahintaan?
Kyllä, lakanat ja pyyhkeet varatulle henkilömäärälle kuuluvat Pariisin loma-asunnon vuokrahintaan. Jos tarvitsette ylimääräisiä, ottakaa meihin yhteyttä (lisämaksusta)
Onko loma-asuntonne Pariisissa siisti ja hyvässä kunnossa?
Olemme hyvin ylpeitä Pariisin vuokra-asuntojemme korkeatasoisuudesta ja hyvästä kunnosta. Jos kuitenkin saapuessassi huomaat, että siivoushenkilökunnaltamme on jäänyt jotain puhdistamatta, ilmoita asiasta meille välittömästi.
Meillä on kaksi lasta: 4- ja 9-vuotias, jotka haluamme ottaa mukaan Pariisin matkalle. Sopiiko asuntonne lapsiperheille?
Pariisin vuokra-asuntomme ovat tuskin paras vaihtoehto lapsiperheille sillä niissä on paljon teräviä kulmia sekä herkkiä pintoja. Jos lapsenne ovat kuitenkin hyvätapaisia ja tottuneita pitämään varansa, olette tietenkin tervetulleita.
Ajattelimme matkustaa puolivuotiaan vauvamme kanssa Pariisiin. Onko asunnoissa vauvansänkyä ja syöttötuolia?
Valitettavasti meillä ei ole vauvan varusteita.
Pariisin loma-asuntojenne kuvaukset miellyttävät meitä kovasti. Voimmeko tehdä varauksen neljälle aikuiselle?
Bastille Ooppera-asuntomme on tarpeeksi tilava neljälle hengelle ja siinä on kaksi parisänkyä: toinen makuuhuoneessa ja toinen olohuoneesta erotettavassa kirjastossa.
Bastille Boutique-asuntomme vuodesohva on vain 140 cm leveä, joka saattaa olla liian kapea kahdelle aikuiselle. Siksi suosittelemme sitä asuntoa vain kolmelle aikuiselle.
Onko asunossa puhelin, jolla voin soittaa kotiin Pariisin lomaltani?
Kyllä. Pariisin vuokra-asunnoissamme olevalla puhelimella voi soittaa rajattomasti suomalaisiin, ranskalaisiin ja yli 100 muissa maissa oleviin lankapuhelimiin (ei kännykkänumeroihin eikä maksullisiin palvelunumeroihin!).
Voiko perheeni soittaa minulle Pariisiin asunnossa olevaan puhelimeen?
Kyllä, ilman muuta. Saapumisohjeissa, jonka lähetämme kuukautta ennen Pariisin matkaasi, löydät asunnon puhelinnumeron, jonka voit jättää kotiin ennen lähtöäsi.
Onko teidän Pariisin vuokra-asunnoissa internet-yhteys?
Tottakai. Nopean laajakaista WLAN yhteyden ansiosta voit käyttää internettiä ja sähköpostia rajattomasti Pariisin oleskelusi ajan.
Oopera-asunnossa käytössäsi on myös tulostin.
Onko Pariisin loma-asunnoissanne ilmastointia?
Pariisin ilma ei juuri koskaan ole niin hikinen, että tarvitsisi ilmastointia, varsinkin kun meillä voi nukkua ikkunat auki. Jos haluat, käytössäsi on kuitenkin seuraavat mahdollisuudet ilman viilentämiseksi:
Bastille Boutique Flat:   Liikkuva ilmastointilaite (lisämaksu € 30/viikko).
Bastille Opera Apartment:   Makuuhuoneessa on hiljainen ilmastointilaite.

Saapuminen ja lähtö Pariisin vuokra-asuntoihimme

Saavumme ensimmäisellä aamulennolla Pariisiin. Pääsemmekö suoraan sisään asuntoon?
Tavallisesti päästämme uudet vieraat sisään klo 14.00 - 20.00.
Aiemmista varauksista riippuen saattaa olla, että voimme päästää sinut sisään jo aiemmin. Joka tapauksessa pyrimme siihen, että ainakin voit jättää matkatavarasi asuntoon jo saapuessasi ja luovutamme asunnon sinulle siivottuna iltapäivällä.
Jos haluat taata varhaisemman sisääntuloajan voimme järjestää sen lisämaksusta.
Tulemme Lontoosta Pariisiin Eurostar-junalla, joka saapuu klo 23.17. Pääsemmekö silloin vielä sisään asuntoon?
Tavallisesti päästämme uudet vieraat sisään klo 14.00 - 20.00.
Vaikkeme olekaan hotelli ympärivuorokautisella henkilökunnalla, pyrimme joustamaan aikatauluissamme. Näin myöhäisen saapumisajan takia pyydämme sinua maksamaan vastaanottavan henkilön taksimatkan kotiin.
Voitteko auttaa yksityiskuljetuksella lentokentältä?
Voimme suositella luotettavia lentokenttäkuljetusyhtiöitä, joiden palveluksia voit tilata suoraan netistä ja joka voi jättää sinut suoraan Pariisin keskustassa olevan loma-asuntosi eteen.
Kuinka saan asunnon avaimet?
Otamme sinut vastaan Pariisin loma-asunnossa aiemmin sovittuna ajankohtana, jolloin luovutamme avaimet tarkistettuamme vuokranmaksun ja takuupantin suoritukset sekä vuokrasopimuksen allekirjoituksen. Samalla selitämme (saattaa olla englanniksi), kuinka tärkeimmät laitteet asunnossa toimivat.
Noin kuukautta ennen oleskelusi alkua lähetämme sinulle yksityiskohtaiset Saapumisohjeet asuntoon löytääksesi perille ilman huolia.
Voinko kutsua vieraita asuntoon?
Asunto on kotisi Pariisin matkasi aikana, ja voit tietenkin kutsua sinne vieraita. Ota kuitenkin huomioon, että se sijaitsee rauhallisessa asuinrakennuksessa, jossa ei siedetä melua klo 22.00 jälkeen. Mahdollisten yövieraiden tapauksessa ota meihin yhteyttä liinavaatteiden ja pyyhkeiden varalta.
Asuntojen ilmoitettua maksimikapasiteettia ei saa kuitenkaan ylittää missään tapauksessa.
Onko minun siivottava Pariisin vuokra-asunto ennen lähtöäni?
Pyyydämme sinua jättämään asunnon lähtiessäsi suurinpiirtein samanlaiseen kuntoon kuin saapuessasi. Toisin sanoen, että vähintään roskat on korjattu kellarin roskapönttöön, astiat pesty ja laitettu kaappeihin ja huonekalut ovat alkuperäisillä paikoillaan.
Loppusiivous Bastille Boutique Flatissa on ilmoitettu hinnastossa erikseen ja se korvaa vieraiden välisen perussiivouksen ja pesulakustannukset.
Oopera Apartmentissa loppusiivous sisältyy vuokrahintaan.
Voinko tilata ylimääräistä siivouspalvelua oleskeluni aikana?
Kyllä, se on mahdollista (lisämaksusta).
Voitteko auttaa minua opastettujen retkien varaamisessa Pariisin matkallani esim. Loiren laaksoon?
Voimme antaa erilaisten matkatoimistojen yhteystiedot, joista voi varata haluamanne retket.
Voitteko auttaa meitä sopivien ravintoloiden varauksissa?
Asunnosta löytyvään opaskansioon olemme keränneet valikoiman korttelimme suosikkiravintoloita.
Haluaisimme mennä oopperaan Pariisin matkamme aikana. Voitteko auttaa lippujen hankinnassa?
Pariisin maailmankuulu Ooppera sijaitsee vain 10 kävelyminuutin päässä asunnostamme. Voit hankkia liput sinne suoraan netistä englanniksi, mutta pidä kiirettä!
Pärjäämmekö loma-asunnossanne Pariisissa, vaikkemme osaakaan yhtään ranskaa?
Tottakai pärjäätte, jos teillä on vähänkin matkustuskokemusta. Voit hoitaa kaiken asunnonvuokraan liittyvän suomeksi kanssamme, ja lähetämme sinulle hyvissä ajoin ennen matkaasi yksityiskohtaiset saapumisohjeet. Saavuttuasi perille asuntoon, ellemme itse ole paikalla, edustajamme päästää sinut sisään ja neuvoo tärkeimmät asuntoon ja sen ympäristöön liittyvät yksityiskohdat englanniksi. Kätevästä opaskansiostamme löydät myös tärkeimpien kodinkoneiden käyttöohjeet englanniksi sekä runsaasti muita vinkkejä viihtyäksesi Pariisin kodissasi lomasi aikana.

Varaukset / Peruutukset

Voimmeko jutella puhelimitse eräistä yksityiskohdista?
Se on tietenkin mahdollista. Lähetä meille viesti ylläolevan Yhteys-lomakkeen avulla ja ehdota sopiva keskusteluajankohta. (9.00-19.00 Ranskan aikaa)
Mitä teen Pariisin loma- asunnon varaamiseksi?
Katso ensin varauskalenterista, onko haluamasi vuokra-asunto Pariisissa vapaa sinulle sopivana ajankohtana. Jos ne päivät on merkitty vihreänä, lähetä varauspyyntö sen vieressä olevalla lomakkeella.
Vahvistettuamme asunnon vapaanaolemisen sinun on maksettava kahden yön vuokraennakko antamallemme suomalaiselle pankkitilille. Tämän jälkeen saat meiltä vuokrasopimuksen, ja varauksesi on lopullisesti vahvistettu.
Kuinka paljon etukäteen on syytä varata loma-asuntoni Pariisin keskustassa?
Monet kauempaa tulevat asiakkaamme varaavat asunnon jo melkein vuoden etukäteen, mutta tietenkin sen voi varata, milloin sopii. Katso vain varauskalenterista, milloin meillä on tilaa ja tee varauksesi sen mukaan.
Milloin varaukseni on sitova?
Maksettuasi kahden yön vuokraennakon varauksesi on vahvistettu, ja saat meiltä vuokrasopimuksen.
Saisinko nähdä vuokrasopimuksen etukäteen?
Jos haluat nähdä vuokrasopimuksen etukäteen, voimme lähettää sinulle sopimusmallin pyydettäessä.
Mitä teen, jos joudun peruuttamaan Pariisin matkani?
Kehoitamme sinua ottamaan matkavakuutuksen korvaamaan mahdolliset matkasi peruutuskulut.
Jos joudut peruuttamaan matkasi, ilmoita siitä meille mahdollisimman nopeasti.
Valitettavasti emme voi palauttaa jo maksettuja vuokraennakoita, paitsi jos vain siirrät matkapäiviäsi toiseen ajankohtaan.
Onko teillä jonkinlainen minimi-tai maksimivuokra-aika?
Bastille Boutique Flat: minimioleskelu: 4 yötä.
Bastille Opera Apartment: minimioleskelu: 6 yötä.
Pidempien vuokra-aikojen suhteen ole hyvä ja ota meihin yhteyttä.


Milloin Pariisin loma-asuntoni vuokra maksetaan?
Varauksen yhteydessä on maksettava kahden yön ennakkomaksu sen vahvistamiseksi.
50% vuokrasummasta maksetaan kuukausi ennen vuokra-ajan alkua,
Vuokran loppusumma maksetaan joko viikkoa ennen vuokra-ajan alkua pankkisiirtona tai käteisellä asuntoon saavuttaessa.
Kuinka maksan Pariisin vuokrani?
Kätevin vuokranmaksutapa on pankkisiirto suomalaiselle tilillemme, jonka numeron saat vuokranvahvistuksen yhteydessä. Loppuvuokra maksetaan käteisellä asuntoon saavuttaessa, tai yli viikon vuokrista, pankkisiirtona etukäteen.
Voinko maksaa Visa-kortilla?
Valitettavasti meillä ei ole luottokorttivalmiutta ottaa vastaan maksuja. Jos haluat kuitenkin käyttää luottokorttia, se on mahdollista PayPalin kautta, mutta siitä tulee ylimääräinen 6% toimitusmaksu.
Mikä on Vakuusmaksu?
Saapuessasi Pariisin loma-asuntoon tarvitsemme 500 euron vakuusmaksun käteispanttina tai etukäteispankkisiirtona. Se palautetaan tarkastettuamme yhdessä, että asunto on kunnossa.

Ympäristö - Bastillen alue Pariisin keskustassa

Kuinka pitkä matka on Oopperaan?
Pariisin Ooppera sijaitsee vain viiden minuutin kävelymatkan päässä asunnosta. Sitä ei kuitenkaan pidä sekoittaa Pariisin vanhaan oopperaan, joka tunnetaan myös Garnierin palatsin nimellä, joka on erikoistunut baletteihin.
Kuinka turvallinen Bastillen alue on?
Bastillen kortteli on varsin vilkas Pariisin keskustan kortteli, jossa voi kulkea kaikessa rauhassa mihin vuorokauden aikaan tahansa. Samalla on kuitenkin syytä muistaa, että olemme suurkaupungissa, jossa voi tietenkin käydä huono tuuri, jos osut taskuvarkaan uhriksi. Sen takia on paras pitää aina varansa liikkuessasi Pariisissa pitämällä käsilaukku turvallisesti käsivarren alla eikä vapaasti heiluen, ja lompakko pois takataskusta etutaskuun.
Älä kuitenkaan pelästy, jos kuulet yhtäkkiä paljon poliisiautojen sireeneitä, sillä kaiken todennäköisyyden mukaan on kyseessä taas jostain mielenosoituksesta, joilla on tapana päättyä vallankumouksen historian mukaisesti Bastillen aukiolle. Väkijoukoista huolimatta kaikki sujuu yleensä rauhallisesti, mutta on ehkä hyvä pysyä vähän loitompana ja vaikka vain ottaa valokuvia tästä Pariisille tyypillisestä ilmiöstä.
Kuinka kaukana on lähin kauppa?
Lähin valintamyymälä sijaitsee melkein asuntoasi vastapäätä tai lähimmän kulman takana, josta voit löytää kaiken tarvitsemasi puhumatta sanaakaan ranskaa, ja voit maksaa siellä suomalaiseslla luottokortilla. Sen lisäksi löydät lähistöltä apteekin, seteliautomaatin, lihakaupan ja tietenkin leipurin, josta saa päivittäin tuoretta leipää, patonkeja ja croissanteja.
Älä missään tapauksessa unohda mennä kaksi kertaa viikossa olevalle korttelitorillemme, josta löydät tuoreimmat elintarvikkeet ja kaikenlaisia herkkuja värikkäässä ja vilkkaassa pariisilaisessa ilmapiirissä.
Miten löydän Pariisin lentokentältä vuokra-asuntooni?
Lentokentältä pääset asuntoosi erilaisin kulkuneuvoin, riippuen budjetistasi ja mukavuudenhalustasi: yksityisautolla, taksilla, kimppataksilla, lentokenttäbussilla Gare de Lyonin asemalle, tai RER-junalla Gare du Nordiin, jossa voi vaihtaa metroon lähimmälle asemallemme 2-3 minuutin päähän asunnostamme. Noin kuukautta ennen saapumistasi lähetämme sinulle yksityiskohtaiset saapumisohjeet.
Ovatko julkiset kulkuneuvot kaukana?
Pariisissa on tiheä ja hyvintoimiva julkinen kulkuneuvoverkosto erilaisine lippuvaihtoehtoineen. Lähin metroasema on vain muutaman minuutin kävelymatkan päässä, kuten myös lähimmät bussipysäkit.
Kuinka voin tilata taksin Pariisin loma-asunnolle?
Asunnossa olevasta opaskansiosta löydät sekä puhelinnumeron että internet-linkin taksin tilaamista varten englanniksi.

Jos haluat lisätietoja asunnoistamme tai varausprosessistamme, käytä allaolevaa Yhteys-lomaketta!


Bastille Boutique Flat
Klikkaa tästä nähdäksesi lyhyen amatöörivideon Bastille Boutique Flatista, Pariisin loma-asunnostamme.


Bastille Boutique Flat



Minimioleskelu: 4 yötä

Varaa tästä




Aikuisia: Lapsia:


Kiitos varauksestasi. Vahvistamme sen vuorokauden sisällä.
Pariisin Turistilisenssi N°: 7511100122122.
Pariisin uusien vuokra-asuntojen rajoitusten johdosta tarkista asunnon saatavus etukäteen.


Bastille Boutique Flat

Kuka voisikaan kuvata paremmin asuntoamme, kuin siellä asuneet vieraamme?

Tässä muutamia heidän kokemuksiaan alkukielisinä, jotka voit myös lukea joiltain näistä varaussivustoilta: Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb  
HomeAway Property

Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Jigar, United States
December 2018
Convenient location. Great value!
"Perfect Parisian Stay"     Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Kurtis L
Reviewed on Sep 19, 2018 for a stay in Sep 2018
This flat was a perfect home base for our Paris Trip. Its location is perfectly situated near the metro and easy walking distance to shops and restaurants. The flat was very clean and well kept complete with everything we needed for our stay.
"What better place to stay in the heart of Paris!"     Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
David T Woodbridge, Virginia, United States
Left on Sep 17, 2018 for a stay in Sep 2018
This was our second stay in the Bastille Boutique Flat this year and we are very happy we chose it. We can only echo the sentiments we stated in our earlier review that this is a great choice of accommodation in an extremely convenient location - quiet, clean and comfortable. Martine again made the check in process quick and easy. We are so glad to have discovered it and look forward to returning. No hesitation in recommending this apartment to friends or family!
"Wonderful flat, great location, our new home away from home!"     Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
David T Woodbridge, Virginia, United States
Left on Jun 12, 2018 for a stay in May 2018
We have visited Paris many times and this was our first stay in the Bastille Boutique Flat, however, we hope it won’t our last! The apartment is ideally situated between the Boulevard Richard Lenoir and the Boulevard Beaumarchais. Place de la Bastille is less than a five minute walk as is Place de Vosges and the Marais just beyond. There are stations for two separate Metro lines literally around the corner in either direction as well as a bus stop for a number of very convenient lines just one block away. There are two different grocery stores a block or two away in either direction as well as numerous bakeries, shops, restaurants and cafes all within a five minute walk. You’ll be spoiled for choice! It is the perfect location to start your exploration of this most beautiful and fascinating city. There is a well equipped kitchen with sufficient housewares to prepare as many of your meals as you wish, as well as a pleasant dining area to enjoy your creations. The photographs of the apartment convey an accurate impression of the furnishings, but we must add how absolutely peaceful was our entire two week stay. The apartment overlooks a very quiet courtyard into which few street noises intrude – all the more remarkable because of the close proximity of very popular tourist destinations. Also of importance was the easy check in with the house manager who, after a quick call from the airport, was waiting for us upon our arrival and explained everything about the apartment and answered all of our questions. Super easy! After a day out and about the city, you’ll enjoy a great shower and plenty of hot water in the up to the minute bathroom (with separate WC). And, lest we forget, the availability of air conditioning in the apartment during the hot weather we enjoyed was a blessing! All in all we had a great two week visit to Paris, made even better by our choice of wonderful accommodation. Great memories are made of stuff like this!
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Jai, Australia
December 2017
The apartment is in a great location, just a short walk to grocery stores and public transport and about a 7 minute walk to Place des Vosges or Bastille. There are plenty of cafés and bars within close walking distance. The kitchen has everything needed to prepare meals including oil, vinegar and spices. The bathroom is spacious and modern. The mattress is quite firm and the pillows are thin so we found we needed to use two pillows each. The apartment is on the fifth floor so having an elevator was handy, however the elevator was out of service for a few days during our stay so we had to use the stairs. The elevator was working again by the time we checked out with our luggage. The neighbourhood isn’t overly touristy and it has more of a local vibe which we enjoyed.
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Christine, Santa Monica, California, United States
December 2017
We thoroughly enjoyed our 5 night stay in Paris at Lars & Jean-Pierre’s Place. The flat was very clean and was well stocked with dishes, cleaning supplies and even laundry detergent! We were even greeted with a bottle of champagne from Lars at our arrival! There was more than enough room for 2 of us to spread out and relax after a full day of sightseeing. While there are several restaurants and cafes in the area, we found ourselves constantly on the bus or metro to go to the tourist sights and to dinner. Everything we wanted to see or do was 20 minutes away! The flat was lovely- we eventually just got tired of taking the metro everywhere. Overall, we enjoyed our stay-thank you Lars!
Happy to see that you enjoyed your Honeymoon in Paris!
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Jean-Charles, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
December 2017
Very nice and cosy!
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Newsha, Denver, Colorado, United States
November 2017
I was looking for a spot to get some R&R after two weeks of trekking through Europe for work. This was the perfect fit. The space is lovely (clean, modern, great natural light...) and quiet, while in a lively neighborhood, with the météo around the corner. The amenities were perfect - especially the bathtub. Lars is amazing host; very responsive, personable and hospitable. If I’m in Paris again, I wouldn’t hesitate staying with him again.
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Steve Wampler, Austin, Texas, United States
September 2017
My wife and I enjoyed staying in Lars & Jean-Pierre's place. There's a great market on Thursdays and Sundays near the flat (near the metro) that I'd highly recommend. The walk to/from Notre Dame (via google maps) is a long some charming streets. The metro is a 5 minute walk (if that) from the flat. From there, you can get to any part of the city in 20 minutes.
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Bill, Sydney, Australia
July 2017
The apartment is of a good size, is clean, with all amenities and in a good location . Public transport is easily accessible. There are ample supermarkets and food outlets nearby and plenty of restaurants and cafes in the area. There Marais district is an easy walk from the apartment. Recommended for any visitors. Bill
"Great location and apartment located close to the Bastille"     Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
JimB9988, Vancouver, Canada
Left on Jul 28, 2017 for a stay in Jul 2017
The apartment is located close to the Bastille making it ideal for exploring Paris either by foot or through transit. The apartment is bright and well-appointed, giving us the home away from home feel. Martine and Lars were wonderful hosts; Martine met us when we arrived at the apartment and we were fortunate to meet Lars tihs trip. Both provided us with suggestions of things to see and places to eat which we took advantage of. This was our second stay at this location and we look forward to staying here again. We highly recommend it.
RentParisFlat: Great that you enjoyed your stay with us again. Hope to see you back soon in Paris!
"Amazing apartment, nice people, great location"     Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Mélanie D., Montréal, Canada
Left on Jul 28, 2017 for a stay in Jun 2017
This appartment is fabulous. You can find everything you need for vacation. It's clean (and I am a little bit strict 😉). Great location with 3 subways around it. We received a warm welcome. Thank you so much. We will be back.
RentParisFlat: Happy you enjoyed your stay with us in Paris. Hope to see you back again!
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Amanda, Georgia, US
May 2017
GREAT place to stay in Paris. Perfect location and ambience for any sort of traveler. Would definitely come back again!
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Stephen, California, US
May 2017
The flat was beautiful. Would love to stay here again when I return to Paris. Fully equipped and centrally located with everything from restaurants, grocery stores, public transportation, and shopping all within walking distance. The Bastille is right down the street. Lars was a gracious, helpful, and communicative host. Could not have been happier.
"Perfection"     Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
ClarePisgahForestNC, North Carolina, US
Left on January, 13; 2017 for a stay in December 2016
The apartment is perfect for one or two people. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay and plan to be back. It is equipped with everything one might need including kitchen staples. We enjoyed cooking for friends one night. The location is perfect with buses and metro within a block. Groceries very close by plus restaurants and shops. We cannot wait to return!
RentParisFlat: I'm so happy that you enjoyed your stay with us and that our flat met with your expectations. Look forward to hosting you again in the near future!
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Paris, Georgia, US
January 2017
Gorgeous space!!! Beautiful light filled and spacious for a Paris place. I loved the wonderful wooden blinds we could close in order to sleep. Comfy bed. Wonderful location for all the things. We had an issue with the lock(human error) and though Lars was in Sri Lanka, we were able to troubleshoot the issue in a timely manner.
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Melanie, London, UK
December 2016
A wonderful stay and the ideal base to explore Paris. Lars and Jean-Pierre are such thoughtful hosts and this really is a five-star apartment - from the spare shampoo kits to the extra coffee filters. We were settled in by Martine who was a delight and responded quickly when we had a question during our stay. Cooking was the focus of our trip so we wanted an apartment with a great kitchen - and we weren't disappointed. Better still, twice a week (Thursdays and Saturdays) one of the city's best farmer's markets pops up on the next block. A very comfortable sofa bed meant the apartment perfectly accommodated our family of three. It was fantastic to have a choice of two supermarkets so close and such easy access to the Metro. And having a lift in the building for bulky suitcases was heavenly. We will definitely book again and look forward to our next stay.
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Ali, California, US
December 2016
Very much feel at home in a great neighborhood .
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Johnathan,Prague, Czech Republic
November 2016
The place is perfect, the neighborhood is fantastic and the host is friendly and helpful. Wonderful place to stay!
"Beautiful convenient property"     Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
French Experience, Melbourne, Australia
Left on September 23, 2016 for a stay in September 2016
We spent 4 nights in this well appointed convenient apartment. It was exceptionally clean and provided everything you could require for your stay. The quality and condition were just as the photos reflected - chic and modern. The beds were comfortable, latest appliances, beautiful bathroom, quiet position with lovely outlook. We enjoy being in the Bastille/Marais area so was perfect for us. It has the bus running outside the door to main attractions and metro only a few minutes walk away. We felt very safe in the area. Bastille Opera House only five minutes walk.
Most importantly though was the excellent communication and advice provided by Lars and Martine before and during visit.
For a couple or couple and child or two singles I would thoroughly recommend this apartment. Would certainly return next time in Paris.
RentParisFlat: I am very pleased to read that you enjoyed your stay at ourshort-term rental apartment in Paris and that it met with your expectations. Even if we're a bit far away from Australia, I look forward to having you back with us in our beautiful city some other time in future.
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Cassandra, New York, US
September 2016
Everything was perfect guys thank you so much!
RentParisFlat: Great you loved staying at our apartment, while in Paris. Hope to see you back again soon.
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Peter, Stockholm, Sweden
August 2016
One of the best AirBnB experiences I've ever had. The flat was very beautiful and high end, a nice location with lots of pitoresque restaurants in the area. But most of all the host Lars was very easy going, informative and as I see it, a perfect AirBnB-host. Thank you! Regards Peter.
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Aleksey, Moscow, Russia
July 2016
Communication with Host and his house manager was very helpful and responsive. The neighbourhood is the best way to feel among the locals and not a tourist. We found supermarkets, bakery, buses, metro in few steps from apartments. The appartement was clean, quiet and has everything You need for a stay. Kitchen fully equippied and ready for cooking. We found detailed and very helpfull instruction book. The wifi and other minor details was great and help us feel cozily all days we stays. This was perfect place to for me and my wife to travel in Paris.
RentParisFlat: Many thanks Aleksey. Look forward to welcoming you back to our flat in Paris any time in future.
"Great apartment in the 11th Arr."     Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
A Roger J. USA
Left on June 2, 2016 for a stay in May 2016
This was our first time staying at this property and would do so again. The apartment is well located and convenient to the Metro. The building is secure and the apartment is quiet, comfortable and well appointed. It is also easy walking distance to restaurants and sights. The outdoor market on Thursdays and Sundays is close and well worth exploring. Lastly, both Lars and Martine were easy to communicate with and accommodating.
RentParisFlat: Happy to read that you enjoyed your stay with us in Paris and look forward to hosting you again at some other time in future.
“Comfortable and quiet for a couple”      Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Jack_Cary, Cary, North Carolina, US
Left on Jun 11, 2016 for a stay in May 2016.
My wife and I spent a week at this flat. We found the unit to be well-maintained and well-equipped. The large windows open to a quiet courtyard type space facing other buildings. After being in the Paris crowds all day, it was very relaxing to"come home" to this place. There is a handy reference guide that explains how to use the appliance and other useful local information. Also, the unit is close to a route 69 bus stop and a metro station which we used every day. There is a small grocery store almost just across the street. We found this unit to have everything we needed to serve as our base for daily Paris sightseeing. The owner and house manager were both very helpful even before our arrival. We were delighted to have made this our choice.
RentParisFlat:Happy that you had such an enjpyable stay with us and look forward to hosting you again at some point in future as there is always so much to see and explore in Paris.
“Everything works”      Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Juha R. Helsinki, Finland
Left on Jan 23, 2016 for a stay in Jan 2016
Very practical, well designed apartment. Artistic design and interior decorations pleases the eye. Parisian atmosphere both indoors and outside. Lars is an excellent host. The information folder in the apartment is rich and informative. One of the best markets in Paris open on Thursdays and Sundays is just around the corner. The location near Bastille is superb and offers also easy walking acces to many attractions of this wonderful city.
RentParisFlat : I am very happy to read that you had such a pleasant stay with us in Paris. Hope to see you back soon again at our Rent Paris Flat.
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Gerardo, Virginia, US
November 2015
I truly enjoyed staying here. Apartment was very clean. Has an instruction book to help me with the apartment and well written. It's in a great location close to stores and market. Loved it and next time I go back to Paris I'll stay here again! Spacious too.
RentParisFlat: Hope to see you back in Paris soon again!
Rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb   Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by airbnb
Creighton & Brian, DC., US
November 2015
Lasse & Jean Pierre are perfect hosts. Lasse welcomed us at the building which is very safe with a secure entry and elevator. He showed us the apartment and answered our questions about the neighbourhood. All the details were also explained in their house guide. The apartment is comfortably furnished and spacious - just like their pictures. The space is so luminous, we hardly used the lights. Their modern art and decor really create a luxurious atmosphere. The bathroom feels like a modern spa and the kitchen big enough to easily make a great dinner. The location is perfect for exploring the city. Just steps to Bastille and several metro lines. We walked almost everywhere, Notre Dame, Louvre, and St Michel. The street food market on Richard Lenoir was a real treat - we picked up some local items to make a meal at home. We can't say enough about how much we enjoyed staying here. Hopefully we'll be back soon!
“Ideal Paris base -- you'll love it”      Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
SOK1801, Sydney
Reviewed September 23 for a stay in September 2015.
I selected this property after extensive research and based on its very positive reviews. As such my expectations were high and I'm happy to report they were met, even exceeded. There's so much to like about this apartment. Wonderfully located, it's close to the vibrant Le Marais district, two metro lines and the 69 bus -- the best route for a visitor to Paris as well as the wonderful Bastille twice-weekly open air market. The are also two supermarkets only minutes away located in the same street. Despite its central location the apartment faces an inside courtyard so is quiet and airy so you're sure of a good night's sleep. Inside it's clean and comfortable in all regards. My wife and I especially appreciated the fact that the owner, Lars, has stocked the apartment with a wide range of kitchen basics and a generous supply of every cleaning product, making it possible to walk in and feel immediately comfortable. Only one word of caution; the apartment can nominally accommodate four people but this would definitely be a squeeze and is much better suited for a couple. We have stayed in apartments all over the world and this is certainly one of the best. If you can book it, do so -- you won't be disappointed.
RentParisFlat : Many thanks for your review for our Bastille Boutique Flat. I am very happy that you enjoyed your stay with. I fully agree with you in that it is best suited for just one or two persons, to feel comfortable. Look forward to your next visit!
“Superb location. A comfortable home away from home.”      Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Mark W Spring Hill, Florida
Reviewed September 9, for a stay in September 2015.
LARS - We had a fabulous time in Paris. This was our first time in Paris but certainly not the last.
Martine is a gem and was extremely helpful. Her verbal and your written helpful hints were a blessing. She provided some beautiful red and white roses for Jeanne's birthday. The apartment was easy to find, quiet, security was excellent, the building Manager was friendly and helpful and we were very comfortable there. It made our time in Paris as comfortable as a home away from home.
The apartment is superbly situated near the markets, Metro, bus lines, pharmacies, cafes and restaurants which made it so easy to navigate the city and find the sites we wanted to see and enjoy. Having them within a few minutes walking distance was a major plus.
The best thing that can be said about any new vacation location is that we enjoyed ourselves greatly and would want to return. That certainly applies to us.
RentParisFlat :Many thanks. I am very happy to read that you had such a pleasant stay with us in Paris and look forward to seeing you back soon again to our Rent Paris Flat.
“Wonderful location, well appointed apartment that worked well for my my family of three”      Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
TTandE, Pasadena, California
Reviewed June 30 for a stay in June 2015.
We really enjoyed our stay here - Lars is extremely professional and covers all the details. The flat is good sized, and close to markets and metro access. Since it is a few floors up (with a lift) it is quiet, and was a perfect choice for our weeklong stay in Paris. We travelled with our 16 year old daughter and it worked well for the three of us.
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Magnificent Location, Space and Experience”      Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Victor Y , New York City, New York
Reviewed October 11 for a stay in October 2014.
Spent six days in Paris for the first time. GREAT location for exploring the best or Paris. Initial reception was wonderful and flat well appointed for our holiday. We will be back!
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your holiday at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Paris Gem”       Rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
JVH_SF, San Francisco, California
Reviewed 14 July 2014 for a stay in June 2014.
This is a beautiful, light-filled apartment & well appointed apartment. The location is great, two short blocks to Boulevard Beaumarchais with easy access to Place des Vosges, the Marais, Place de la Bastille, the Bastille metro station and Farmers Market. There is a super market across the street, a wine shop, a wonderful boulangerie and cafes and restaurants a short walk away. It's a modern building with elevator. Fully equipped kitchen, washer/dryer in the unit, and beautiful bath. The apartment is away from the street, so it is very quiet at night, is very clean and the owners were very helpful with questions and orienting us to the neighborhood. A great place to stay!
We stayed there for a week and this flat will be first on the list of places to stay for our next Paris visit. Tired of the same old hotel stays? Treat yourself to this wonderful rental unit in the heart of Paris. You will be glad that you did.
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Super Comfortable, Well Located and Secure”      Holiday rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
WendyB, Sydney, Australia
Reviewed March 11, 2014 for a stay in February 2014.
This was my second time in the Bastille Boutique Flat - first time on my own. I had some difficulties with my trip into Paris and the owner and his house manager were both wonderfully helpful and supportive. We regard Bastille Boutique Flat as our home away from home in Paris. The flat is very well provisioned and the welcoming bottle of wine was very much appreciated.
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your holiday at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Perfect apartment in the heart of Paris”      Holiday rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
MariaB, Madrid, Spain
Reviewed November 25, 2013 for a stay in November 2013.
I would recommend this apartment because for us has been the perfect place to spend a few days off in Paris. Is well equipped and everything there made us feel at home is very cozy and comfortable. The location could not be better, close to historical sights, restaurants ... only walking near the apartment you can feel the experience of being in Paris. It is excellently managed, very professional: they sent us tips to get from the airport, we were met at the apartment and everything became so much easier ... Did not have to worry about anything! We are already planning to return!
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Well-equipped apartment in a perfect location!”      Holiday rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Anna_MARJ, Helsinki, Finland
Reviewed December 3, 2013 for a stay in November 2013
There is not much to add to the previous reviews. The apartment was very easy to find (next to a hotel) and the location is simply perfect. Situated in the lively Bastille area, the residential building with friendly neighbors was quiet and calm but only few steps from metro, grocery stores and numerous restaurants. After a long day it was great to find excellent dining options nearby. The metro and bus connections provided convenient links to other areas of Paris and there was plenty of interesting sights within walking distance. The booking process was smooth and we had a warm and friendly welcome from the house manager when we arrived. The apartment was as described and all necessary equipment and amenities were provided (ranging from coffee and olive oil to laundry detergent and extra towels). Would be happy to stay again.
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your holiday at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Fantastic - Exactly as advertised”      Holiday rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Roger B, Sydney, Australia
Reviewed September 3, 2013 for a stay in August 2013
We stayed for a week at this apartment and thoroughly enjoyed our stay! This apartment was delightfully decorated, fully equipped, and made great use of space. It was clean, everything worked properly, and the information booklet left by Lars, and the help we got from Martine, were absolutely first rate. Nicely located near 3 metro stations, with good food shops and market very handy (we ate in every night). It was peaceful, great relaxation after a long tour of France. Highly recommended!
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Great location, comfortable apartment and helpful owner/house manager!”      Holiday rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
HelinskiSydney, Sydney, Australia
Reviewed July 6, 2013 for a stay in June 2013.
We stayed for a week at this apartment and thoroughly enjoyed our stay! We arrived in Paris late in the evening and The house manager Martine was so kind to agree to let us in outside normal check in hours. She was so helpful and explained everything in the apartment in detail and gave us tips on places to visit, and things to watch out for while visiting Paris. Booking the apartment with Lars had been really easy with our numerous questions responded to straightaway. The instruction booklet in the apartment is so thorough and detailed. It made our stay very easy. The apartment itself is comfortable and has all the technology and equipment one would need. The best thing about the apartment is its location. Right on the doorstep of two metro lines, a huge street market with the best food we've ever seen, a supermarket right downstairs, pharmacy at the end of the street. It is also minutes walk away from some great restaurants and shops of Marais, away from the usual touristy places. It is also within walking distance to great museums! Would definitely stay here again and recommend it to others.
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your holiday at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
"Fab apto near Bastille”      Holiday rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Toronto_C...Toronto, Canada
Reviewed May 29, 2013 for a stay in May 2013.
Despite the chilly & rainy Paris weather, my stay in Paris was terrific mainly because of Lars' wonderful apartment, a 5 minute walk to Bastille, only 1 block to Place des Vosges, Marais. It was always a pleasure to return to the apartment , rest, then go out to a nearby resto or cafe for a meal or drink You cannot go wrong renting this clean, modern, spacious, light filled apartment in a quiet building on a quiet street overlooking a pretty courtyard & Parisian rooftops. I particularly enjoyed being so close to the Marais area, but within walking distance of Place Republica & St- Martin canal area as well as the newly trendy & bohemian rue Oberkampf.. Two nearby metro stations/lines made it so easy to get anywhere in the city centre & getting to/from CDG airport is a breeze via metro/trainRER B. Vivent l'apartement de Lars.& his super friendly & informative greeter/hostess, Martine!
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
"The Bastille Boutique Flat - feeling at home in a great part of Paris”    Holiday rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
JoannKris Puebla, Mexico
Reviewed April 24, 2013 for a stay in April 2013.
Our hosts had thought of everything to make our stay comfortable and effortless! The flat itself is spacious and very well designed to accomodate our group of 3 people. It was quiet, light-filled, modern and had a really lovely wall of windows that look on to courtyards and the famous Parisian roof tops. The elevator to this 5th floor apartment figured heavily in our decision to rent. The twice weekly market is almost outside the door and is a super treat. The flat is fabulously located in a residential area accessible to 3 or 4 different metro lines so it was very easy to get around the city. We did a lot of walking in the Marais amd Bastille areas which have great shopping and eateries. Our hosts left restaurant suggestions which we used and enjoyed. I would say that the flat rental was a key factor in what turned out to be a fabulous week in Paris- I would not hesitate to recommend it to friends and family
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your holiday at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Exquisite atmospheric apartment with everything conveniently nearby””    Holiday rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
TonyC1863... Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
Reviewed March 28, 2013 for a stay in October 2012.
Firstly, Lars, the owner could not have been more helpful and accommodating. The apartment is just wonderful and setup for everything you could reasonably require for a city break, and although located in an atmospheric Bastille apartment block it is decorated to a very high and modern standard. Local shops, street market, bars, and restaurants are all handy as is the Metro to get you out and about. We have a wonderful stay.
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Fabulous Apartment”    Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
musky629 Waterloo, ON
Reviewed October 18, 2012 for a stay in August 2012.
My mother, daughter (10 years old) and I stayed in this apartment for 8 days in August and it was just perfect for the 3 of us. It became our home away from home and so much better than being in a hotel. The location is great, within walking distance of Metro Stations and you can walk to Ile St. Louis and Notre Dame Cthedral in under half an hour, which we did alot. The neighbourhood is quiet and safe with a nice little grocery store just down the street and bakeries close by. The local market is not to be missed on sunday or tuesday mornings. There are lots of places eat around the Bastille. The apartment is very nicely appointed with a full kitchen with a dishwasher, microwave and nice sized fridge. We did not cook dinner in the apartment but if you want to cook everything you need is there. The bathroom is nice, however for someone with mobility issues the tub is VERY deep and it can be hard to get in and out of the shower, and the floor can get slippery.There is also a washer and dryer and all the soap you need. Closet and storage space is ample so there is no lack of places to store your clothes. There are lots of glass surfaces in the apartment which does make it unsuitable for young children. Wifi worked perfectly while we were there. All in all the apartment was great, the owner very easy and professional to work with and we were greeted very nicely when we arrived. We would not hesitate to recommend this apartment and for no more than 3 people it is perfect.
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your holiday at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Adorable well-located apartment”    Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Patti D Poway, California
Reviewed October 14, 2012 for a stay in October 2012.
We stayed in this apartment for 1 week and totally loved it. The location is awesome, and the apartment is very comfortable. Had a little trouble working the washer/dryer, but otherwise an ideal place to stay. The owner is very accessible, and even brought a small heater to the apartment because we were a little cold the first night, and the building hadn't turned on the central heating yet. The apartment manager, Martine, is first-rate, available for questions and help during our stay
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Superbe expérience Parisienne”    Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
RoamingTG Columbia, Maryland
Reviewed October 2, 2012 for a stay in September 2012.
It was our first trip to Paris and we wanted to stay in a neighborhood not a hotel. We were seeking the chance to rent something comfortable and tour on our own. If you are not concerned with walking, using the Metro or finding what you need in the little shops of Paris, then the Bastille Boutique Flat is the perfect place for you! The apartment is a cosy, attractive place on the fifth floor of a secure and well-maintained building. There was ample space for my wife and I and the apartment includes a sofa bed if your party is larger than two. The pictures on Trip Advisor are quite accurate, but I felt as if the apartment was more comfortable and attractive in person. Truly quiet when you want to sleep and only a few minutes from the Marais district in one direction (The Place des Vosages is about four blocks away) and Place de la Bastille in the other.It has everything you need for your stay and all the appliances are in top shape. I particularly appreciated the booklet that the owner prepared on how to use the appliances (including the phone). The wireless internet allowed us to use an IPad to plan our excursions. Communication with Lars was easy and he was quite patient and helpful for this 'first-timer'. We were met by his associate on the day we arrived and Martine did a wonderful job of orienting us to the apartment, the neighborhood etc. She provided helpful tips and offered to be available by phone in case any concerns came up. We were pleased with every aspect of this rental opportunity. Again if you are the type of traveler who can bypass the tourist hotels and enjoy life like the locals, I heartily endorse the Bastille Boutique Flat for you. Thanks Lars and Martine! Hope to return again soon!
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your holiday at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
"Perfect”       Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
nance416 Toronto, Canada
Reviewed August 2, 2012 for a stay in July 2012.
Bastille Boutique Flat is a wonderful one bedroom apartment, impeccably decorated, with an impressive utilization of space. It was perfect for our family of three (2 adults and a teenager) and exceeded our expectations. More than adequate natural light flows into the very comfortable living room. The ktichen is fully equipped and includes a dishwasher. The bathroom is spacious with a separate adjoining room on the side for the toilet; it also comes equipped with a washer and a dryer if one is in need of doing laundry. The owner has a binder full of directions on how to use appliances, which is very helpful. Location is great. A short walk to the Metro, with many cafes along the way. There is a bakery close by, as well as a grocery store. Thursday mornings there is a meat and produce market just around the corner. Notre Dame is a comfortable 25 minute walk, with shops and boutiques along the way if you so wish to meander in and out. The city bus tours ("Hop on Hop Offf" style double-decker buses) stop about four blocks away from the apartment, directly across from the Bastille traffic circle. The owner has represented his apartment honestly and accurately. The building is in a quiet neighbourhood and there is no noise to interrupt your sleep. Wooden exterior shutters keep out morning light if you care to sleep in. Note that elevators in Paris are generally small and the one that leads to this fifth floor apartment is likewise small, but don't let that deter you unless you are absolutely claustrophic. I recommend this fantastic apartment. The owner, Lars, was quite friendly and accommodating in his emails, though there is an independant manager that meets you to give you the keys and let you in. Much, much better than choosing a hotel with a cramped room. Suitable for 1 to 4 people. Try it out and enjoy Paris!
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
““Fabulous convenient apartment!””    Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
IsaRobNyc NYC
Reviewed May 25, 2012 for a stay in May 2012.
This is a fantastic apartment. My only concern is rating it so highly is that it might not be available next time I want to stay there! Excellent for 1 or 2 people. I think it'd be a bit of a squeeze for more, but possible. Great location for walking, on edge of Le Marais/Bastille. Located close to Bastille Metro, which is on 2 lines that then connect to (it seems) all other lines you might want to use. Also close to Sun. & Thur. street market (Marché Bastille) which has great food merchants. Kitchen is equipped for actual cooking, not just morning coffee. Excellent washer/dryer, and even a drying rack! And best of all, a really simple to use manual on how to use all appliances/electronics in the apartment! I loved the bathtub - very nice after a long day of walking all over the city. Quiet (facing the courtyard), with great light & air into the living area. This is really the best rental apartment I've used yet!
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your holiday at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
““Brilliant in Every Way””    Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Emmjay195... Sydney, Australia
Reviewed May 5, 2012 for a stay in April 2012.
This Bastille Boutique Flat is a perfect apartment for two or three people wanting to stay in a modern, secure, light and airy place in one of the most exciting quarters of Paris - the 4th Arr. It's fully renovated and on the fifth floor (with elevator), facing an expansive inner courtyard. We stayed for 16 days and the accommodation was quiet and very comfortable with a fully equipped kitchen and laundry (in the modern bathroom). The location is exceptional - close to three metro stations with good connections, close to a wide range of cafes and restaurants ranging from inexpensive to top of the line. We particularly loved the twice-weekly open markets in Boulevard Richard Lenoir, the local small supermarket and the Cuban-themed pub about 100 metres away. My partner spent a lot of time and not a few Euros in the amazing boutiques in St Paul - easy walking distance. We both enjoyed the Musee Canarvalet (Museum of the History of Paris) and the lovely Place des Voges. One of the most important aspects - the owner and his agent - were both great. They were very helpful, prompt, generous, accommodating and excellent communicators. We shared lunch and drinks with the agent - Martine - and she gave us a tremendous introduction to Paris and the local area. Excellent value and Highly recommended.
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Stylish appartment in perfect location”    Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Timo T Espoo, Finland
Reviewed April 15, 2012 for a stay in March 2012.
This was the fift vacation appartment, me and my friends stayed in within a year. And the best: from the very start we felt it was our Parisian home. Easy to find, 3-5 minuts walk from The Bastille Opera House , nice stylish appartment located on a quiet street between two main roads, with well equiped kitchen, nice light, living room and beatifull bathroom. We were three adults but i think you could enjoy it with four good friends as well
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“Like a sweet room of luxury hotel”    Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Saeko K Yokohama, Japan
Reviewed April 14, 2012 for a stay in March 2012.
Nice room with TV, audio set, DVD. Neat kitchen, clean and comfortable bath room. Toilet is clean and separated. Everything is perfectly prepared. The location is also perfect. Only 30 seconds walk to the Bastille marche (on Thursday and Sunday). It was amazing welcoming hospitality with a bottle of wine and breakfast for next morning. I didn't need anything to buy for washing clothes or dishes. Even shampoo, conditioner, body wash (of BODYSHOP) was there!
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your holiday at our central Paris Rental Apartment.
“great location near Marais, Bastille and markets”    Vacation rental apartment in central paris featured by tripadvisor
Paris7500... Paris, France
Reviewed December 9, 2011 for a stay in October 2011.
It was great to be so close to the Marais and Bastille in a building with all the amenities that make travel easy. Everything is there to form a comfortable base for exploring Paris - from a well equiped kitchen to a luxurious bathroom and WiFi for making dinner reservations at fantastic neighborhood restaurants. The Richard Lenoir farmers market is not to be missed! The owners are super friendly and go out of their way to ensure a comfortable stay. Thank you!
RentParisFlat : Great that you enjoyed your vacation at our central Paris Rental Apartment.